Tuesday, December 10, 2013

online meanderings

Scowling at the angel - One of those reads you can lose yourself in.

Teach me the patience of an unanswered prayer - Choosing trust rather than numbness.

6 questions to ask before you share the gospel - This is really good.

12 reasons to pray Scripture - Love!

The 4 promises of forgiveness - More love!

5 steps to adultery prevention - Yet more love!

The prosperity gospel in my own heart - How do I react when things go wrong?
Welcome, friend, to the world of the chronic thorn in the flesh. It may be cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, or glaucoma. It may be a long-term financial burden, caring for a disabled loved one, or any number of lingering struggles. The main characteristic of it is that it isn’t going away, and it seems like something that is going to keep you from doing the things for the Lord you thought you would do. But really, it does the exact opposite. As Satan harasses you with it, God opens your eyes to your utter dependence on Him in a way you didn’t fully grasp before. And then, in HIS strength when you have absolutely none of your own, He accomplishes things that you never thought possible. Wendy Alsup

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